Calevi Tenhovaara

Calevi Tenhovaara (Tammerfors 1940 – Karlstad 2009) came to Värmland in the middle of the 1970’s by way of Gothenburg. His most famous work (other than the ‘Sitting tree’) can be found in the new hall of the Värmlands Museum. It is the stone installation ‘Vilarstenen’ [resting stone] that symbolizes Värmland: the woods, the river, the stone. Together with Herman Reijers, Calevi Tenhovaara started up KKV (the collective artists’ workshop) in 1986. He has had a number of exhibitions in Holland, at Jansen Kooy and at Galerie de Hazelaar in Soest, where his ‘sitting tree’ was bought for the townhall. In 2007 Calevi Tenhovaara was awarded Karsltads Kulturstipendium.

Sitting tree
silkscreen, edition 85
65 x 50
€ 150